Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed

The book, Amal Unbound, by Aisha Saeed is about a girl named Amal. Amal lived a normal life with her family in Pakistan. But her life suddenly changed after an encounter with the landlord of her village, Jawad Sahib. By refusing to give Jawad Sahib a pomegranate, she had unknowingly disrespected him. Because of this, Amal was forced to go and work at Jawad Sahib’s estate. Unwillingly, Amal goes to the estate and soon realizes that Jawad Sahib will do anything to get back at those who disrespect him, even kill them. And because of that knowledge, she realizes that her parents were right, Jawad Sahib is a ruthless landlord. With the help of her fellow servants, she uncovers priceless words and files that could save her life. Will she survive? Or will she fall just like everyone else? Read Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed to find out.

A book connection I can make to Amal Unbound is The Seismic Seven by Katie Slivensky. These books connect to one another because The Seismic Seven ’s main character, Brianna and the main character in Amal Unbound, Amal both run into their problems without realizing it at first. All of their goals seem impossible. The way in which both the main characters feel after learning the truth is very similar. Brianna feels shocked and sad, while Amal feels very sad and very angry. Both of these books have the same message; sometimes, you have to break the rules to do what’s right. I hope you read Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed and The Seismic Seven by Katie Slivensky.

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